Page 90 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 90

I form a bond with everything. I feel that God has placed beauty and love
                all around us; in the tiniest of pebbles, sand, grass (golden or green), in the
                mountains, in the snow, in the dolphins and the horses, in the quest for the

                meaning of life. Now you might think that I am saying this because I am in
                Goa - a supposed heaven on earth, and so it makes sense for me to say that.
                But I formed bonds back on the ship too, back in time too.
                   Have you ever felt pain while abandoning an apartment and moving to
                another? Yes, I have and so have you.

                   Have you ever cried for hours because someone too close to you passed
                away? Of course you have.

                   Have you ever loved knowing  that the other person  doesn’t love you?
                   We all form bonds. Rather, it’s only human to form bonds, ephemeral or
                forever.  And  you  must  find  peace  in  your  capacity  to  make  deep  and

                fulfilling bonds with everything around you.
                   The  thing  you’ve  come  to  form  a  bond  with  will  not  be  by  your  side
                forever.  Neither  will  you.  Again,  that’s  nature  -  ever  changing  yet

                magnificent. But the love that you’ll receive and give back will last forever.
                   Will bonds hurt? Yes, they will. But bonds will heal you too.

                   A bond will form in a place but a bond will rest in time.
                   Why do we feel so strongly for some things in life? Some experiences?
                Some people? I don’t have an answer and that’s when I know I have found

                a  soulmate.  It  is  love  beyond  imagination.  My  feelings  are  as  deep  and
                unfathomable as the depth of the sea.
                   The sea has taught me so much that I now look up to it as my mentor, my
                family. The waves taught me to be consistent in my efforts. They are proof
                that the hardest of rocks become sand when the waves don’t give up. The

                sea  has  helped  me  discover  the  most  beautiful  of  species  and  the  most
                precious of rock matter.
                   I still remember my days back on an island in the southern Indian Ocean

                when  afternoons  would  mean  playing  with  the  starfish  and  jellyfish  who
                would float by my side! The sea is the love of my life, and yes, it is okay to
                fall in love with nature, and I know that it will keep calling me and teaching
                me the best of lessons. Sometimes I discover things and sometimes I just
                discover myself with every minute I spend in the sea.
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