Page 91 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 91

Sheen and I take a walk back to the shack, crossing the backwaters. It’s
                still shallow and can be crossed on foot. I head back to my room to take a

                   ‘You are mad,’ Sheen says as she leaves the room.
                   ‘You must be double mad to fall in love with a mad person.’

                   ‘Maybe, yes!’

                   ‘Madness  is  a  crucial  part  of  our  lives.  Take  a  man  and  add  some
                madness to him. Now, he chirps, sings, laughs, jumps, and does everything
                that most common people will consider craziness. But who is really crazy?
                The  one  who  jumps  and  dances  and  chirps  all  over  the  scene,  spreading
                love and positivity, or the one who sits in the corner imagining what went
                wrong that he can no longer do what this other person is doing?’

                   ‘Sleep well, Ricky!’
                   I am not proud of risking my life and bothering Sheen, but I’m happy to

                have spoken to Elisha after such a long time. Let me tell you what exactly
                triggered this. Three days back, Alara had come to me. It is her fault. She
                rekindled the spark in me. She made me believe that Elisha might still be
                alive. While I had dragged her out of Ricky’s that very day, I feel I should
                call her up and help her find Elisha. If there’s the slightest of truth in it, I am
                willing to take a chance. You know why? Because you always want to give
                one last chance to the people you love.

                   I pick up the landline placed on my bedside and dial Maria’s.

                   ‘Yes. Madhuri from Maria’s PG.’
                   ‘Can I speak with Alara?’

                   ‘Yes!’ After a moment, ‘Hi,’ says Alara.

                   ‘This Sunday, we are going to your mother’s school.’
                   ‘Thank you! I knew you would call me. My happiness knows no bounds
                Uncle Ricky.’

                   ‘Be on time!’ I say as I hang up.
                   Elisha’s words from my dream, ‘I love that’, spin in my head like she had

                said  I  love  you.  I  re-hear  and  relive  them  a  zillion  times.  The  feeling?  I
                can’t exactly put it into words.
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