Page 125 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 125

wish to run anymore. Specially, not from myself. Goa is my old home, my
                new life. I am happy here, just by myself. And every time it rains, I play my
                guitar. I play when it’s sunny too. My passion is an inseparable part of me.

                Now, I’m not running after anything, I’m walking to the core of me.
                   Cheating on your loved one is easy. Stranding them and moving on with
                someone  else,  easier.  But  remember,  life  has  its  own  ways  to  teach  you!
                Today on the better side, someday you will be on the other side. I have been
                cheated and I tried my best to make the marriage work. But when I realized

                I can’t do anything about it, I came back to India.
                   I was hoping to come back someday and get your custody when I become
                financially independent. On the other hand, counting today, I don’t know if I

                even have ten more days until I take my last breath. I feel I have lost the
                courage to fight anymore.
                   But never hate your dad or me, we love you in our own ways. Remember,
                to have an infinite capacity to love is the greatest act of courage. You’ve
                been hurt. But who hasn’t? Yet, choose to love everything, everyone around.

                It will make you the strongest of all.
                   The ones you love bring out the best in you but also hold the potential to
                bring out the worst in you. It’s you who needs to build the right perspective

                to live a fulfilling life.
                   I want to return, I really do. But I don’t know how long I will be able to

                   If  you’ve  picked  up  singing  from  me,  love,  my  last  wish  is  that  you
                complete my album and release it. There’s a wooden box in the attic which
                contains some of my unfinished songs.

                   Will love you for eternity,

                   ‘What could I have done?’ I ask Lakshmi, helplessly. I thump my fists on
                the table. No one utters a single word.

                   ‘What could I have done?’ I sob helplessly. I look at my own reflection in
                the window pane on the other end of the room. I have not felt so helpless

                   ‘Not every dream comes true. Sometimes, we need to find the courage to
                accept the reality and live with it,’ Lakshmi says as she picks me up.
                   ‘Did she take her life?’
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