Page 128 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 128

I  enter  my  room  and  collapse  into  a  pile  of  nothingness  due  to  the
                dizziness that this kind of hurt causes. I want to tell you, my soul, that you
                did a terrible thing by fooling me into following my dream.

                   Often in the moments of extreme pleasure or pain, you tend to blur out
                the wider picture and focus on the immediate things around you. My hair
                fall  over  my  face  and  I  feel  surrounded  by  darkness,  except  for  the  thin
                streams of light from the bulb in my room filtering through the locks of my

                   I light a cigarette I had bought on the way back. I am not a smoker, but I
                need something to occupy my time with. And if it deteriorates my health,
                damages me, I am more than happy to spend time with it. What I can see

                and  feel  with  utmost  clarity  are  the  strands  of  hair  that  smell  like  burnt
                cigarettes, cigarettes that we often light in the company of bleeding dreams
                or burning desires.
                   Why do we seek solace in hurting ourselves when we’re at the lowest? At
                this very moment, I want to skin myself layer by layer and reach the place

                where my soul exists. For if the tree is uprooted and thrown away, there
                would not be the expectation of it bearing a fruit someday! For if the strings
                are pulled and plucked from the guitar,

                   there would not be an expectation of it to sooth the ear someday!
                   I move to the bathroom and reach out for the blade in my razor. I want it
                to rip my skin, layer by layer precisely. As I am about to touch it to my
                wrist, the letter drops out of my pocket and falls on the ground near my feet.
                I look at it and I am instantly reminded of my mother’s wish to release the

                   Selfless  love  is  true  love.  It  permeates  the  subtleties  of  the  timeline,
                irrespective of the timeline’s orientation - alternate reality or rebirth. That’s

                the kind of love that poets have penned down for ages across geographies.
                It’s eternity. It’s forever. It’s the kind of love that teaches you to give, not
                expect, and not only to give but to do so with a whole heart. Feeling such
                love can prove to be one of the most ennobling experiences of your life. No
                matter  who  you  are,  what  you  do,  or  where  you  go,  this  love  will  stay
                within you, for it is beyond the constraints of time and space. Like for me,
                my mother’s love would. Forever.

                   I throw the blade away and sit on the floor. I crawl towards my side. My
                legs aren’t hurt but I just don’t feel like getting up, so I choose to crawl. I
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