Page 38 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 38

October,  before  the  tourist  season  kicks  in,  and  dismantle  them  before
                monsoon.  Once  the  sea  water  recedes,  we  build  them  up  again.  If  you
                haven’t spent a Christmas and New Year at a shack yet, you must book your

                next right away.’
                   She asks her cameraman to take a little break and tells me, ‘Ricky, you
                can’t be selling your services on the show. It should not look like you’re
                advertising. Don’t ask people to book a holiday. If need be, I will say it at
                the end of the shoot.’

                   ‘Okay,’ I say as I get a bit conscious. It’s my first time and I fear I have
                nearly ruined it. I take a deep breath and instruct my brain to follow her

                   We  continue  to  walk  as  we  reach  the  end  of  the  beach.  Her  team  is
                occupied with capturing sunrise shots.
                   ‘There’s  a  jungle  echoing  with  chirping  birds  on  my  right.  There’s  a

                stream of backwater which separates an island nearby, a suitable place for
                trekking on your own,’ I say and point, wanting them to capture the beauty
                of it all. The camera team follows my command.

                   ‘How  does  it  feel  to  experience  the  sunrise  every  morning?’  the
                interviewer continues as the cameras return to face us.
                   ‘Palolem has my heart. The sight of the rising sun in between the hills
                fills me with all the energy and revitalizes my senses. Tourists often enjoy a
                boat  ride  on  their  own  or  ask  the  local  fishermen  who  live  by  the

                backwaters to take them to nearby beaches or into the jungle via this serene
                backwaters. If they wish to get the feel of staying on a marooned island for
                a few hours, they are taken to the nearby Canacona island. In winters, one
                might just get lucky and spot a couple of dolphins in the seawater playing
                and indulging among themselves! Dolphins from places far off migrate here

                to escape the extremely cold winters, much like my European and Russian
                   ‘Cut,’  says  a  guy  from  her  team.  He  indicates  that  we’ve  crossed  the
                deadline for one question.

                   We  take  a  turn  and  start  walking  towards  the  other  end.  I  complete  at
                least  10  such  laps  every  day.  The  sea  looks  tranquil  and  calm  today.
                However good the change feels, it’s not a good thing for the sea to be so
                quiet. The sea needs to roar to be fine.
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