Page 40 - You Only Live Once [BooksLD]
P. 40

There was no other shack then. Only locals and hippies knew about this
                beach. Tourists would go to the more crowded Baga, Calangute, or Anjuna
                beaches. THT Cafe shut its doors permanently in the early 2000s. I bought

                the same land three years back and ‘Ricky’s Beach Shack’ was erected here.
                   Elisha’s innocence was like fresh blooming lilies. Of all the dresses she
                wore, I remember her lilac frock the best. Elisha was this. That. Elisha is to
                me exactly what your first love is to you. As it remains with you, I could
                never move on either.

                   Soon, five-star hotels started to chase us for weekend performances and
                Elisha  became  the  voice  of  Goa.  Her  live  performances  attracted  even
                Bollywood  celebrities,  and  finally  she  too  received  an  offer  from  a  big

                studio in Bombay to record with them.
                   The  only  problem  with  her  was,  I  believe,  that  she  wasn’t  at  all
                ambitious.  She  was  always  more  inclined  towards  starting  a  family  and
                living a low-key life. The worst thing she did was to leave the country and
                settle down with that Czech NRI who would visit our shows every week

                during his stay in Goa. He’s the person I have hated the most all through my
                life.  Quite  literally.  I  believe  he  might  have  been  the  reason  behind  her
                death. No matter how hard you try, you can’t ever tolerate the other person
                in the life of the person you love.

                   The worst thing about unrequited love is that you start to compare and
                make a list of all the things that you could have to get this person. And then
                realizing  that  no  matter  how  hard  you  try,  you  just  can’t  make  the  other
                person love you the way you do. It fills me with deep regret to have not met
                her once before she died. I couldn’t have afforded to go to the Czech.

                   My life is an open book. I hardly have anything to hide. I still believe that
                the entire city of Goa knows about my love for her. Maybe she did too.

                   It’s tough to explain why but some relationships hurt until the end.
                   I knew I was in love because wherever I was I thought of her. To date,
                when a singer sings his/her deepest melodies in my shack, I think of her. I
                think about the fact that I could never tell her how much I loved her. When
                they sing a song, I feel like every note or every word is dedicated to her.

                   Back then, I was soft and vulnerable. After serving in the merchant navy
                for almost 20 years, I have become hard as a rock. I still remember every
                single brutality that I have been through.
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