Page 60 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 60

shared the stage with him, and I was to go on first. He was in the audience when

               I spoke, and I have to admit I had worked harder than I’d ever worked in my life
               to prepare for this event.

                    The participants had heard Deaton before at previous conventions and loved
               him, but they’d never heard me. After my presentation was over, they clapped
               enthusiastically  and  as  Deaton  passed  me  on  his  way  to  the  stage  he  was
               beaming with pride as he shook my hand. (Unlike myself, Dennis Deaton has
               very little professional jealousy of other speakers. He was happy for my success.
               I have to admit that my favorite moment occurred when, after he was introduced,
               someone in the audience teasingly shouted out, “Dennis who?”)

                    Many  people  get  confused  and  believe  that  living  their  true  life  means
               getting lucky and finding a suitable job with an appreciative boss somewhere.
               What I have come to realize is that you can live your true life anywhere, in any

               job, with any boss.

                    First  find  out  what  makes  you  happy,  and  then  start  doing  it.  If  writing
               makes  you  happy,  and  you’re  not  writing  for  a  living,  start  up  a  company
               newsletter or your own Website. When I first realized that speaking and teaching
               made me happy, I started a free weekly workshop. I didn’t wait until something
               was offered to me.

                    Whatever goal you want to reach, you can reach it 10 times faster if you are

               happy. In my sales training and consulting, I notice that happy salespeople sell at
               least  twice  as  much  as  unhappy  salespeople.  Most  people  think  that  the
               successful salespeople are happy because they are selling more and making more
               money. Not true. They are selling more and making more money because they
               are happy.

                    As  J.D.  Salinger’s  character  Seymour  says  in  Franny  and  Zooey,  “This
               happiness  is  strong  stuff!”  Happiness  is  the  strongest  stuff  in  the  world.  It  is
               more energizing than a cup of hot espresso on a cold morning. It is more mind-
               expanding than a dose of acid. It is more intoxicating than a glass of champagne
               under the stars.

                    If  you  refuse  to  cultivate  happiness  in  yourself,  you  will  not  be  of

               extraordinary service to others, and you will not have the energy to create who
               you want to be. There is no goal better than this one: to know as you lie on your
               deathbed that you lived your true life because you did what made you happy.
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