Page 62 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 62

brain comes alive during dreaming at night while the left brain sleeps. But it is

               possible  (as  artists,  poets,  and  saints  can  attest)  to  have  the  same  two-sided
               interplay that we had as children, while we are awake. We simply have to fire it
               up by using the left brain to call on the right. This is what happens when we
               make love, play games, write poetry, hold a baby, or face a threatening crisis:
               The left brain commands the right brain to come alive and get involved. That is
               when  you  get  whole-brain  thinking,  or  what  psychologist  Abraham  Maslow
               called peak experiences.

                    The three best  ways to  activate whole-brain thinking are through 1) goal-
               visualization,  2)  joyful  work,  and  3)  revitalizing  play.  Rather  than  wait  for
               external crises to  appear, create internal challenge games of your own—goals
               and purposes—that lead you in growth toward the motivated person you want to

                    The real excitement in studies of the power of the right brain lies in their
               suggestion  of  a  neurological  basis  for  personal  transformation.  It’s  not  just
               motivational puff or secular evangelism to say that we possess unlimited creative
               energy, and we can use it to create the lives we want. As Colin Wilson writes in
               The Essential Colin Wilson:

                    In fact, we can learn to live on a far, far higher level of power. And
                    that is what the left brain was intended for. Its farsightedness gives it
                    the ability to summon power. Yet it hardly makes use of this ability. It
                    could be compared to a man who possesses a magic machine that will
                    create gold coins so that he could, if he wanted, pay off the national
                    debt and abolish poverty. But he is so lazy and stupid that he never

                    bothers to make more than a couple of coins every day—just enough to
                    see  him  through  until  the  evening…or  perhaps  he  is  not  lazy:  only
                    afraid  of  emptying  the  machine.  If  so,  the  fear  is  unnecessary.  It  is
                    magical, and cannot be emptied.

                    Most  people  regard  their  right  brain  with  a  sense  of  wonder.  They  think
               inspiring thoughts “came to them” out of the blue. “Last night I had the strangest
               dream!” they will say, not knowing how much control they really have over that
               magical machine.

               43. Get your stars out
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