Page 83 - 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
P. 83

ideas start to flow. It is usually among the unreasonable ideas that something

               great  is  discovered.  Brainstorming  works  so  well  because  the  usual  restraints
               against stupidity are lifted. It’s okay to be unreasonable and far out.

                    What most people in business don’t realize is that this powerful technique
               can also be used by an individual. I first discovered this while driving in my car
               a number of years ago listening to a motivational tape by Earl Nightingale. He
               talked about a system he had learned that worked wonders.

                    On the top of a piece of paper or blank document, you put a problem you
               want solved or a goal you want reached. You then put numbers 1 through 20 on
               it and begin your brainstorming session. The rules are the same as with a group
               session. You have to list 20 ideas, and they don’t have to be well thought out or
               even  reasonable.  Give  yourself  permission  to  flow.  Your  only  objective  is  to
               have 20 ideas scrawled down within a certain short amount of time.

                    If you do this for a week, you will end up with 100 ideas! Are all of them
               usable? Of course not, but who cares? When you began the process you probably
               didn’t have any usable ideas.

                    I have used this system many times with really great results. It works so well
               because it relaxes the normal tensions against creative, outrageous thinking. It
               invites the right side of your brain to play along.

                    A  friend  once  called  for  some  advice  about  his  career.  He  was  in  show

               business  and  had  developed  his  act  to  the  point  where  he  was  one  of  the  top
               performers in the nation. His problem was marketing and self-promotion. That
               part of his career was lagging behind his talent.

                    “What  if  I  told  you  that  there  is  someone  who  can  give  you  100  specific
               marketing ideas tailored to your precise career and audience?” I asked him. He
               was very interested.

                    “You yourself are that person,” I said.

                    I then told him about the list-of-20 self-storming technique I had personally
               been using for a number of years. He eagerly jotted down the rules of the game
               and  got  busy  playing.  Two  weeks  later,  he  called  me  very  excited  about  the
               results. “I’ve got some really great marketing ideas right now, more than I’ve
               ever had in the past,” he said. “Thanks.”

                    Self-mentoring  is  the  best  mentoring  you  can  get  because  your  mentor
               knows  you  so  well.  And  although  it’s  often  beneficial  to  get  specific  outside
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