Page 26 - Leadership in the Indian Army
P. 26

Battalion  of  the  7th  Rajput  Regiment  (Queen  Victoria’s  Own  Light
                Infantry),  or  1/7  Rajput  (2  QVOLI)  as  it  was  generally  called,  which
                became his parent unit. The battalion had just moved to Waziristan and was

                engaged in duties similar to those of his erstwhile unit. Life on the frontier
                was  monotonous  but  not  free  of  danger.  The  tribesmen  were  quick  to
                exploit the slightest sign of laxity in vigil, and the frequent skirmishes often
                resulted in casualties. The North West Frontier (NWF) was the best training
                ground  for  young  officers,  and  Cariappa  mastered  the  basics  of  his
                profession during the three years he spent there. He developed an excellent
                eye for ground, and learned the importance of good administration, both of

                which were to stand him in good stead in later years.
                   In 1925, Cariappa decided to go on a grand tour. He had saved up enough
                money, and the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Delhi not only accorded
                him permission but also arranged for his stay with British units wherever
                possible.  Cariappa  visited  Europe,  USA,  Japan,  China  and  several  other
                countries, where he met a large number of soldiers as well as civilians of

                different nationalities. He was able to see for himself the reason why some
                of  them  were  far  ahead  of  India  in  many  fields.  The  trip  was  a  highly
                educative one for him and he returned a much wiser and better man. He
                rejoined his battalion which had now moved to Fatehgarh. Here for the first
                time in his career, Cariappa was able to settle down. It was in Fatehgarh that
                he acquired his nickname ‘Kipper’. It is said that a British officer’s wife
                found his name difficult to pronounce and insisted on calling him Kipper.

                   As a young officer, Cariappa took his soldiering seriously. A stickler for
                rules,  he  rarely  got  into  trouble.  There  is  an  interesting  anecdote  about
                Cariappa  and  Mussoorie,  which  was  then  a  popular  holiday  resort  for
                British officers. Cariappa had applied for a few days’ leave to visit the hill-
                station.  When  his  Commanding  Officer  (CO)  heard  about  it,  he  told
                Cariappa  to  go  somewhere  else.  Cariappa  was  surprised  and  wanted  to

                know  why.  The  ‘Old  Man’  (euphemism  in  the  army  for  Commanding
                Officer or  Commander) told him that  Mussoorie  was  full  of  disreputable
                women, and it was  a regimental tradition that bachelors did not visit the
                place. Cariappa took his word seriously, and did not go to Mussoorie till
                well after he was married and had a son.
                   In those days, cantonment life in peace stations was staid and leisurely.
                Intended  to  provide  a  respite  from  the  rigorous  activity  on  the  frontier,

                sojourns  to  these  stations  were  short  and  when  posted  there  officers  and
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