Page 29 - Leadership in the Indian Army
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was  a  well-educated  and  sociable  girl.  At  that  time,  Cariappa  was  still  a
                captain. He was 37 years old and at 20, his wife was a little over half his
                age.  Muthu  was  a  very  beautiful  woman,  known  as  the  Ava  Gardner  of

                Coorg.  Their  first  few  years  together  were  happy  and  resulted  in  two
                children,  a  son  and  a  daughter.  Their  son,  K.C.  Cariappa,  affectionately
                called  Nanda,  was  born  on  4  January  1938,  followed  by  their  daughter
                Nalini, on 23 February 1943. Nanda later joined the Indian Air Force (IAF),
                and  rose  to  become  an  Air  Marshal.  Unfortunately,  Cariappa  and  Muthu
                were  an  ill-matched  pair.  Muthu  was  an  extrovert,  fond  of  parties  and
                dancing,  while  Cariappa  had  no  time  for  such  trivialities.  Before  long,

                cracks  began  to  appear  in  their  marriage.  Cariappa’s  frequent  transfers,
                coupled  with  his  total  involvement  with  his  profession,  increased  the  rift
                between  them.  Muthu  began  to  feel  neglected.  She  turned  to  drink  to
                assuage her resentment and pain. The alienation soon turned into bitterness,
                and  in  September  1945  they  separated.  There  was  no  formal  divorce—
                Muthu simply left the children with him and began living with a friend. She

                did not live long, though. Three years later, she met with a fatal accident.
                Cariappa never remarried, preferring to live alone with his children. In later
                years, his sister, Bolu Chengappa, or her daughter, Sagari, often stayed with
                him to act as his official hostess when he was the C-in-C in Delhi, and later
                High Commissioner in Australia.
                   In  1939,  in  response  to  the  demand  of  a  large  section  of  Indians,  and
                heated discussions in the Assembly as well as in the Council of States, the

                government  formed  the  Committee  on  the  Indianisation  of  the  Officer
                Ranks of the Indian Army. The Skeen Committee, as it came to be known,
                issued a long questionnaire to officers commissioned after 1919, asking for
                their views on the progress of Indianisation. A large number of them were
                called as witnesses to give evidence before the committee. One of them was
                Major K.M. Cariappa, who was called in June 1939 as the 26th witness. He

                was then a senior Indian officer with 19 years of service, and the committee
                held detailed discussions with him over several days.
                   Cariappa was dissatisfied with the pace of Indianisation and he indicated
                this in no uncertain terms. In the last 20 years, only 250 Indians had been
                granted commissions, including the King’s Commissioned Indian Officers
                (KCIOs)  from  Sandhurst  and  the  Indian  Commissioned  Officers  (ICOs)
                from Dehradun. He felt that the ICOs made better regimental officers and

                were better suited to the Indian Army than KCIOs. As to the type of entry,
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