Page 58 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 58
6. Lintel Blocks
Lintel block or beam block is used for the purpose of provision of
beam or lintel beam. Lintel beam is generally provided on the top
portion of doors and windows, which bears the load coming from
top. Concrete lintel blocks have deep groove along the length of
block as shown in figure. After placing the blocks, this groove is
filled with concrete along with reinforcement.
7. Frogged Brick Blocks
Frogged brick block contains a frog on its top along with header
and stretcher like frogged brick. This frog will helps the block to
hold mortar and to develop the strong bond with top laying block.
8. Bullnose Concrete Block
Bullnose blocks are similar to corner blocks. Their duties also same
but when we want rounded edges at corner bullnose bricks are pre-
Participant Handbook : Masonry 58