Page 53 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 53

Flemish Bond

         This brick bond consists of alternate header and stretcher
         in each course. The following are some features of Flem-
         ish bond.

           This bond creates better appearance than English Bond.

           The queen closer is put next to quoin header in alter-
            nate course to develop face lap.

           Every  header  is  centrally  supported  over  a  stretcher

            below it.

           Half bats and three quarter bats are used for walls having thickness equal to odd number of
            half bricks.

           This bond is not as strong as English bond and is not used generally.

                                               Rat-Trap Bond

                                               Rat-trap bond is laid by placing bricks on their sides having a

                                               cavity of 4 (100 mm), with alternate course of stretchers and
                                               headers. The following are some features of R trap bond.

                                                 The headers and stretchers are staggered in subsequent

                                               layers to give more strength to the walls.

                                                 The  strength  of  R  trap  bond  is  equal  to  the  standard
                                               9" (229mm) brick wall but consumes 20% less bricks, 24%

                                               less cement and 25% lesser weight than English bond.

           This bond helps in maintaining a good thermal comfort inside the building.

         Flemish Variation Bond (Flemish garden wall bond):

         A brick bond for lightly loaded walls that consists of alternating three stretchers and a header

         Participant Handbook : Masonry                                                                       53
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