Page 69 - PH_Masonry_Final_Ver 1_July 2020
P. 69
Mixing Mortar Using Mechanical Mixers on Site
There are many types of mechanical mixers available for use on site to mix mortar and concrete.
They range from large batching mixers to small portable mixers, each designed to mix the mortar
materials into a workable mix.
Mixers can be powered by:
The smaller modern mixers are usually powered by electricity, while the older types are powered
by petrol.
The larger mixers, such as batch mixers, are powered by diesel or electricity.
Mechanical mixers
Procedure for mixing using mechanical mixers
Set up the mixer according to the manufacturer‘s instructions, or those of the site supervisor. Alert:
Ensure that the correct power supply is available.
Alert: Ensure sufficient materials and equipment is available.
Carry out all safety checks and start mixer.
Add the required water.
Add the pre-gauged materials Alert: Add the sand content first.
Add more water if required.
Mix the materials thoroughly for approximately three minutes Alert: Never mix for longer as
segregation may occur.
Turn out the mixed materials into a container or wheelbarrow.
Clean out the mixer, when work is complete
Cleaning the mixer:
The mixer must be cleaned thoroughly
but carefully. The mixer should be
cleaned using plenty of water and a few
shovels full of gravel. Do not attempt to
clean the mixer using broken bricks as
these may damage the mixer or at least
reduce the working life of the mixer.
Participant Handbook : Masonry 69