Page 23 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
P. 23

5.     The exposition text emphasizes that reading is
                          an essential habit to cultivate for individuals of
                          all ages.

                   Learning Evaluation

                              Expository  text  evaluation  aims  to  assess  how
                       effective the text is in conveying information or arguments
                       to the reader. Among others:

                       1.  Clarity of Purpose: Does the text clearly state the purpose
                          or main argument at the beginning?
                       2.  Structure: Does the text have a logical and easy-to-follow
                          structure, with a clear opening, body and conclusion?

                       3.  Use of Data and Facts: Does the text use strong data, facts
                          or  evidence  to  support  the  arguments  or  information
                       4.  Language Accuracy: Is the language used clear, precise,
                          and appropriate to the intended audience?
                       5.  Objectivity: Is the text objective and unbiased?

                       6.  Completeness of Information: Are all important aspects
                          of the topic covered adequately?
                       7.  Consistency:  Are  the  arguments  or  information
                          presented consistent and do not contradict each other?
                       8.  Strong  Conclusion:  Does  the  text  conclude  well  and
                          emphasize the main points that have been discussed?

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