Page 18 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
P. 18

"examining  or  liking  to  examine  something  very  carefully"
                   (Cambridge).  It  means  liking  to  examine  or  test  something
                   thoroughly. Meanwhile, "exposition" means "a comprehensive

                   description" or a detailed explanation.

                   Therefore, an analytical exposition text can be understood as a
                   text  that  tries  to  provide  a  comprehensive  explanation  of  an
                   issue by carefully presenting supporting opinions.

                   The main purpose of this analytical exposition text is "to try to
                   convince the reader to believe something by presenting one side
                   of  the  argument."  It  means  trying  to  convince  the  reader  to
                   believe something by presenting only one side of the opinion.

                   This  text  is  categorized  as  an  argumentative  text  because  it
                   shows  opinions  or  arguments  about  something.  Its  social
                   function is to convince the reader that the topic being discussed
                   is an important topic.

                   Now we will discuss the parts that form an exposition text.
                   Here is the structure of the text:


                   Cars should be banned in the city. As we all know, cars create
                   pollution and cause a lot of road deaths and other accidents.


                   Firstly, cars, as we all know, contribute to most of the pollution
                   in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas that causes illnesses such
                   as bronchitis, lung  cancer, and ‘triggers’  off asthma. Some of
                   these  illnesses  are  so  bad  that  people  can  die  from  them.

                   Secondly, the city is very busy. Pedestrians wander everywhere
                   and  cars  commonly  hit  pedestrians  in  the  city,  which  causes
                   them to die. Cars today are our roads' biggest killers. Thirdly,
                   cars are very noisy. If you live in the city, you may find it hard

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