Page 14 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
P. 14

the  lungs  in  breathing.  In  addition,  all  types  of
                              exercise can nourish the body.
                                      In  the  text,  the  writer  conveys  the  idea  that

                              sports are activities that can nourish the body. Then,
                              the  writer  gives  an  illustration  in  the  form  of  an
                              example of swimming that can nourish the lungs in
                           d.  Comparison
                                     In  this  pattern,  the  writer  will  compare  the
                              ideas  conveyed  with  objects,  conditions,  or  other
                              things that have similarities or differences. The goal

                              is to strengthen the writer's ideas in order to convince
                              the reader.
                                     “Soy milk is known as a source of protein, but
                              the protein content in soy milk is much smaller than
                              that  of  cow's  milk.  According  to  one  source,  the

                              protein content of soy milk is 6.73 grams, compared
                              to 8.02 grams of cow's milk.”
                                     In the first sentence, the author compares the
                              protein  content  of  soy  milk  with  cow's  milk.  This
                              comparison is proven by data from one source that
                              states that the protein content of soy milk is much
                              smaller than cow's milk.

                                 These patterns of development in exposition texts
                          serve  to  structure  the  information  logically,  enhance
                          clarity and coherence, and engage the readers effectively.
                          By  utilizing  these  patterns  strategically,  writers  can
                          present  information  or  arguments  in  a  systematic  and
                          compelling  manner,  ultimately  achieving  the  intended
                          purpose of the text.

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