Page 12 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
P. 12

a.  General-Specific
                                     This  pattern  can  also  be  called  a  deductive
                              paragraph. It is said that way because the main idea

                              or main idea is at the beginning of the paragraph and
                              is  detailed  by  several  explanatory  sentences.  This
                              pattern  is  often  used  to  introduce  a  topic  broadly
                              before delving into specific information, examples, or
                              arguments to support the main idea.
                                      “Although  not  considered  a  health  drink,
                              coffee is good for your teeth. Recent research from

                              the land of Cappuccino, Italy, corroborates that fact.
                              Carlo  Pruzzo,  from  the  University  of  Ancona,
                              explained  that  the  compounds  contained  in  coffee
                              stop  bacteria  from  sticking  to  synthetic  teeth.  The
                              compound  is  also  effective  in  eradicating  bacteria
                              that can directly damage teeth.”

                                      In the text above, the author conveys a more
                              general main idea at the beginning of the paragraph,
                              namely coffee has a good effect on teeth. Then, the
                              main  idea  is  detailed  with  several  explanatory
                              sentences that are more specific in nature. Now, to
                              explain the good effects of coffee for teeth, the writer
                              includes some research results found in the third and
                              fourth sentences.

                           b.  Special-General

                                     The  opposite  of  the  previous  pattern,  this
                              pattern  can  be  called  an  inductive  paragraph.  The
                              reason is because at the beginning of the paragraph,
                              the writer will convey several explanatory sentences.
                              Then, it ends with a general sentence or main idea

                              that is used as a conclusion.

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