Page 11 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
P. 11

a.  Writing  analytical  exposition  text  using  simple
                              present tense.
                          b.  Use  words  that  express  the  writer'sthoughts  or

                              feelings, for example: experience, feel, know, realize,
                              sense, think, etc.
                          c.  Use connective words, namely connecting words. The
                              use  of  connective  words  aims  to  connect  ideas,  be
                              they phrases, clauses, sentences or paragraphs.

                          Connective words have many functions. The 3 functions
                          of conjunctions most often used in analytical exposition

                          text are:

                          a.  Adding  information,  namely  adding  information.
                              Examples  include  and,  moreover,  in  addition,  and
                          b.  Contrasting     information,     namely     contrasting
                              something. Examples include but, however, and even

                          c.  Causality,  namely  showing  cause  and  effect.
                              Examples      include    because,    therefore,    thus,
                              accordingly, despite, due to, for that reason, etc.

                       2.  Development pattern

                                 Exposition texts typically follow various patterns
                          of  development  to  effectively  present  information  or

                          arguments.  Four  common  patterns  of  development  in
                          exposition  texts  are  general-specific,  specific-general,
                          illustration, and comparison.

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