Page 7 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
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broader  perspective  in  responding  to  hot  issues  in
                       2.  Purpose of Exposition Text
                                 Exposition texts have several main purposes that

                           underlie their creation. Here is an elaboration of each of
                           these purposes:
                           a.  To Clearly Inform the Reader About Information
                                     One of the main purposes of an expository text
                               is to provide clear and accurate information to the
                               reader. This is important so that the reader gains a
                               correct  understanding  and  no  misunderstandings

                               occur.  In  an  expository  text,  the  writer  strives  to
                               present facts, data, and explanations in an objective
                               and  structured  manner.  Thus,  this  text  minimizes
                               differences in information reception among readers.
                               For  example,  in  an  expository  text  about  climate
                               change,  the  writer  will  present  scientific  data  and

                               explanations  about  the  phenomenon  to  give  the
                               reader a comprehensive and accurate picture.
                           b.  To  Make  the  Reader  Interested  in  Continuing  to
                               Read the Text
                                     Expository texts are also designed to attract the
                               reader's interest. The writer uses various techniques
                               such  as  an  engaging  writing  style,  relevant
                               examples,  and  the  presentation  of  interesting

                               information.  The  goal  is  to  make  the  reader  feel
                               interested and continue reading the text to the end.
                               For instance, in an expository text about the benefits
                               of exercise, the writer might start with an intriguing
                               anecdote  or  a  rhetorical  question  that  piques  the
                               reader's curiosity.

                           c.  To  Explain  Specific  Information  with  the  Hope  of
                               Enhancing the Reader's Knowledge

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