Page 20 - EXPOSITION TEXT klm 7 fix
P. 20

opportunities for individuals in terms of education and career

                           Firstly, English is the language  of the internet. A  vast
                   majority of websites are written in English, making it easier for

                   those who understand the language to access a wide range of
                   information.  Secondly,  many  multinational  companies  use
                   English as their official language. Employees who are proficient
                   in English have better chances of getting hired and promoted.
                   Lastly, English is often used in academic settings, especially in
                   higher education. Many scientific journals and research papers

                   are  published  in  English,  which  means  that  understanding
                   English is crucial for academic success.

                          In  conclusion,  learning  English  is  essential  for  anyone
                   who wants to thrive in the modern world. It provides access to
                   vast amounts of information, enhances career prospects, and is
                   necessary for academic achievement.

                       1.  What is the main idea of the text?
                           a.  The internet is the most important tool for learning

                           b.  Learning English is essential for international travel.
                           c.  Understanding  English  is  crucial  for  success  in
                              modern society.
                           d.  Multinational  companies  do  not  require  English

                       2.  According to the text, why is English important in the
                          business world?
                           a.  It  is  the  only  language  used  by  companies
                           b.  Employees  with  English  skills  have  better  job
                           c.  All business transactions are conducted in English.
                           d.  English is not important in the business world.

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