Page 213 - July 2016
P. 213
2016 AmericAn QuArter Horse
GrAded stAkes stAndinGs Brought to you by speedhorse as of June 30, 2016
Congratulations to the connections of PHQ Goodbye Earl for being named Remington Park’s Champion Paint of the 2016 meet. PHQ Goodbye Earl raced six times at Remington this spring, finishing first three times—including victories in the Grade 1 Speedhorse Graham Paint & Appaloosa Futurity and the Grade 1 PSBA Futurity. He’s accumulated more than $116,000 so far. The 2014 sorrel solid gelding is by Awesome Chrome and out of Sayonara. He is owned by Paint Horse Queens of Inola, Oklahoma, and was bred by Dee Keener, also of Inola.
Barrel Bonanza
We’re proud of our Paint barrel racers tearing up the cloverleaf at some pretty impressive events recently:
• Tammy Gantt of Homer, Louisiana, and
Cimarron Treasure started off on the right foot at the Better Barrel Races World Finals April 21–24 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, taking home the Invitational 4D title with their first run. Tammy and “Scooby,” a 1997 sorrel tobiano gelding by Carry My Cash (QH) and out of Sooners Treasured, netted a check for $4,500.
“I know that when he runs he is going to do his best every time. It’s just up to me to help him,” Tammy said. “It’s fun for me because I know every trip he makes down the alley- way, it’s just him and me. He’s the horse you dream of having all your life.”
• Pamela Henderson of Streetman, Texas, steered Whimps Snow Flurry to the pole bending state championship at the Texas High School Rodeo Association State Finals, which took place June 4–11 in Abilene, Texas. Pa- mela and “Squall” outpaced the competition by just two tenths of a second, finishing with an average time of 61.514 seconds. Squall is a 2001 sorrel tovero mare by Wimpys Little Rey (QH) and out of Rey Jay Snow.
“Squall’s a lot of fun to swing a leg over. I’ve been riding her since I was 8 years old, so this was quite amazing. My grandma trained her,” Pamela said. “When she goes through the poles, she doesn’t always switch leads like a lot of horses do, so she doesn’t lose those few sec- onds doing that. She has a lot of handle, but doesn’t overwork.”
3 50 Tied
Edward Allred
Carl C. Pevehouse Bobby D. Cox
MJ Farms
Michael C. Teel Tommy R. Charbula J Bar 7 Ranch
Rank Horse HORSE Wins 1 Ajs High 3 Zoomin Effortlessly 3 2 Carson City Girl 2 Duponte 2 Running Dragon 2
Rank Breeder BREEDER
Rank Owner Wins(Winners) 1 PV Quarter Horse Farms LLC 3(3) Michael C. Teel 3(1) Telesforo Perrett 3(1) 2 Ronald J. Hartley 2(2) Sara Leann Morgan 2(2) By By JJ Limited Partnership 2(1) David & Sandra Barrett 2(1) Kristen Ashley Paredes 2(1) 3 43 Tied 1(1)
Rank Trainer Wins(Winners) 1 Juan Gonzalez 4(3) Clinton Crawford 3(3) 2 R. L. Rick Robinson 3(2) Charley Hunt 3(1) 3 Adrian Huitron 2(2) Charles Duke Shults 2(2) Jason Giles 2(2) John Cooper 2(2) Jose Antonio Flores 2(2) Michael Taylor 2(2) Josue Ponce 2(1) 4 35 Tied 1(1)
Rank Jockey JOCKEy Wins(Winners) 1 Adrian A. Ramos 3(3) ivan Carnero 3(3) Manuel Gutierrez 3(3) Raul Ramirez Jr. 3(3) Santos Carrizales 3(1) Stormy Smith 3(1) 2 Alejandro Medellin 2(2) David A Alvarez 2(2) Jaime Parga Leos 2(2) James A. Flores 2(2) L. Salvador Martinez 2(2) Ricky Ramirez 2(2) Francisco Raul Ramirez Jr. 2(1) Jose Enriquez Ortiz 2(1) 3 28 Tied 1(1)
1 2
3 4
Rank 1
Rank 1
3 4
Rank 1
Wins(Winners) 4(4) 3(3) 3(2) 3(2) 3(1) 3(1) 2(2) Weetona Stanley & W E Smith 2(2) By By JJ Limited Partnership 2(1) 37 Tied 1(1)
Sire Wins(Winners) PyC Paint your Wagon 6(6) Apollitical Jess 5(3) Zoomin For Bux 3(1) Corona Cartel 3(3) Carters Cartel 2(2) Coronas Leaving you 2(2) Favorite Cartel 2(2) Good Reason SA 2(2) Jesse James Jr 2(2) One Famous Eagle 2(2) Walk Thru Fire 2(2) American Runaway 2(1) Woodbridge 2(1) Zulu Dragon 2(1) 25 Tied 1(1)
Sale Wins(Winners) Ruidoso yearling 9(9) Heritage Place yearling 4(4) LQHBA yearling 4(4) Los Alamitos Equine 3(3) Heritage Place Mixed 3(3) Ruidoso nM Bred 2(2) TQHA yearling 2(1)
Consignor Wins(Winners) Bobby D. Cox 3(2) Edward C. Allred 1(1) J Bar 7 Ranch LLC 1(1) MJ Farms 1(1) natalie Montgomery, DVM 1(1) PJ Ranch 1(1) Richard Dale Domingue 1(1) Vance Mikkelson 1(1) Vessels Stallion Farm LLC 1(1)
*does not include agents
SPEEDHORSE, July 2016 211
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Dustin Orona Photography