Page 10 - St. Margaret's Glf & Country Club - Corporate Brochure
P. 10


                         H O S P I T A L I T Y

                    In 2017, we launched a new dining experience at St.
                    Margaret’s branded Lír Restaurant. The name came
                    from one of  our members who has an affection for
                    the swans that gracefully occupy the lake on the 18th
                    green most of the year.

                      BU S I N E S S  O R  P L E A S U R E
                    Lír is the ideal place for relaxed enjoyment, whether
                    it’s business or pleasure whilst surrounded by views
                    of our spectacular golf course.

                    The  award-winning  Lír  Restaurant  serves  a  wide
                    variety of  delicious homemade dishes. From casual
                    dining with your colleagues to important client deal
                    making lunches our expert team can help design and
                    deliver an unforgettable experience.

                         C O N TAC T  O U R  T E A M  T O DAY  O N
                               0 1 8 6 4 0 4 0 0  O R  E M A I L
                            I N F O @ S T M A RG A R E T S. C O M
                                T O  L E A R N  M O R E .
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