Page 6 - St. Margaret's Glf & Country Club - Corporate Brochure
P. 6

M A K I N G  I T
                           M E M O R A B L E

                   Add a memorable moment for your guests during your
                   visit  by  including  a  unique  element  to  your  day  with
                   our experienced golf team:

                   Meet & Greet followed by Swing Checks
                   While your clients are taking a pre-round breakfast or
                   lunch, one of  our Pro’s will welcome your group, talk
                   them through what to expect from the course,   share
                   tips on how to shoot their best round and answer any
                   questions your clients may have. Following this the Pro
                   will  be on  the range  prior  to tee  off,  helping  players
                   individually in the area of  their game they feel needs

                   1 Hour Non Golfer Clinic
                   While your golfing guests are on the course make sure
                   to  entertain  your  non  golfing  clients  off  the  course.
                   This  experience  is  designed  for  the  non  golfer;  the
                   hour  will  be  filled  with  lots  of  fun  to  bring  out  the
                   early fundamentals of  the golf  swing and let everyone
                   have the chance to enjoy the day.

                   Beat the Pro
                   On  a  selected  Par  3  your  clients  will  have  the
                   opportunity to challenge the Pro to closest to the pin.
                   The Pro will present a prize to every golfer that beats
                   them after the round.

                   1 hour Putting Competition
                   Starting out with an explanation and demonstration on
                   putting,  followed  by  a  chance  to  put  what  you  have
                   learnt  into  practice  before  finishing  up  with  a  fun
                   putting competition. This is a great experience that has
                   all involved in a fun and relaxed manner.
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