Page 9 - St. Margaret's Glf & Country Club - Corporate Brochure
P. 9

 H O S P I T A L I T Y
                             M E E T I N G S
                      &  C O N F E R E N C E S
 In 2017, we launched a new dining experience at
 St. Margaret’s branded Lír Restaurant. The name
 came  from  one  of  our  members  who  has  an   Whether you are looking for a venue to host a small
 affection  for  the  swans  that  gracefully  occupy   board meeting, a large conference, a training seminar
 the lake on the 18th green most of the year.
                    or  product  launch,  St.  Margaret’s  is  the  ideal
                    destination to host your next business event.
 Our menus are first class, our team on the floor
 and  in  kitchen  are  available  to  help  design  an   Located less than five miles from Dublin airport and
 experience for your important clients that will be   approximately eight miles from Dublin City Centre,
                    means  that  no-one  will  have  to  travel  too  far,  no
                    matter where they are coming from.

                    RO O M S  F O R  H I R E
                    We  offer  two  purpose-built  meeting  rooms  which
                    can  be  used  to  host  corporate  events  such  as
                    meetings,  conferences,  training,  team  building,
                    interviewing  and  so  on.  Our  Corporate  facilities
                    cater for up to 120 people and would be the perfect
                    choice for your next event.

                         C O N TAC T  O U R  T E A M  T O DAY  O N
                               0 1 8 6 4 0 4 0 0  O R  E M A I L
                            I N F O @ S T M A RG A R E T S. C O M
                                T O  L E A R N  M O R E .
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