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       TOP SOCIETY VENUES IN                                                  Killarney Golf & Fishing Club

             MUNSTER 2020

         unster offers exceptional   we outline our top society venues   classic. Over the past number
     Mgolf experiences, unrivalled   in Munster to help you decide on   of years, Killarney Golf & Fish-
     courses and the best scenery the   the best venue for your society.  ing Club have invested over
     country has to offer. Home to in-                           €400,000 in improving the golf
     ternationally recognised courses
     such as Killarney Golf & Fishing   KILLARNEY GOLF &
     Club, the highly sought-after   FISHING CLUB
     Dundrum House Golf Club and    Killarney Golf & Fishing Club, one
     the first class Castylemartyr Golf   of Ireland’s most prestigious and
     Club, societies are spoiled for   historic golfing venues, teed off
     choice as to where to play.    a new partnership with Synergy
                                    Golf and have built a brand-
     Being accessible and offering   new vision for the golf club. The
     some of the most stunning      appointment was driven by a bid
     course-side backdrops you      to improve the overall experience
     could imagine, golfers are in their   and to bring Killarney Golf & Fish-
     element when playing in Munster,   ing Club back to its glory days.
     plus many of these courses are   Located in Killarney National Park
     attached to some of the country’s   and surrounded by the lakes
     most luxurious castles, hotels   of Lough Leane, Killarney Golf
     and resorts offering world class   & Fishing Club is a world class
     facilities for an enjoyable day out.   destination.
     Munster is a true golfers paradise
     with over 80 courses to suit all   Home to two 18-hole courses,
     handicaps and budgets. With so   Killeen and Mahony’s Point and
     much choice, it can be difficult   a 9-hole course, Lackabane, it
     to narrow your options, so we’ve   is the ideal venue for a society
     done the hard work for you! Here   day out, corporate event or golf   Killarney Golf & Fishing Club
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