Page 115 - MGS 2020 Bible Online
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     course and this is set to continue.
     Together, Killarney Golf & Fishing                                            Munster
     Club and their new management
     partners have recently invested
     over €200,000 into the facility
     which was used to refurbished a
     brand-new professional shop, a
     new club website and ongoing
     course improvements.

     Killeen – Killeen, the jewel in the
     crown, played host to the Irish
     Open on four separate occa-
     sions. The course offers both
     spectacular lakeside scenery
     and challenging golf to players
     of all levels, with water features
     on nearly every hole. Killeen is
     arguably one of the best parkland
     courses in the country.

     Mahony’s Point – Mahony’s Point
     offers golfers spectacular views
     of the famous Killarney Lakes
     which are overlooked by the     Faithlegg Golf Club
     McGillicuddy Reeks, the highest
     mountain range in Ireland. The   the 18th hole described as ‘one of   years some of the investment was
     18-hole championship course is a   the memorable holes in golf’.   spent on a fully refurbished club-
     great option for societies looking   If you haven’t visited Killarney   house, course verti-draining and
     for a softer challenge. The final   Golf & Fishing Club in the last few   sanding, new course signage and
     three holes are breathtaking as   years make sure you do in 2020,   the addition of new buggies and
     you play towards the lake with   you won’t be disappointed!       electric trollies, all of which are
                                                                 designed to make Faithlegg Golf
                                        2020 SOCIETY RATES:      Club an unforgettable experience
                                       (Killeen) Midweek - from €50   for golf societies who visit in 2020.
                                       (Killeen) Weekend - from €60  Faithlegg Golf Club are now taking
                                    (Mahony’s Point) Midweek - from €40  bookings for the 2020 season. All
                                    (Mahony’s Point) Weekend - from €45  societies that play in 2020 will be
                                                                 in with a chance to win a 3 Night
                                   For more information or to book   Stay in La Cala, Spain for up to 20
                                   contact Killarney Golf & Fishing   of their society!
                                   Club on 064-6631034 or email
                                  2020 SOCIETY RATES:
                                                                       Midweek - from €30
                                                                       Weekend - from €35
                                   FAITHLEGG GOLF CLUB
                                   Arguably the most sought-af-  For more information or to make a
                                   ter society venue in Waterford,   booking contact the pro-shop on
                                   Faithlegg Golf Club are now in   051380587 or email karlcullen@
                                   the final stages of a three-year
                                   investment strategy that will
                                   see a further €100,000 put into
                                   improving the already magnif-  DUNDRUM HOUSE
                                   icent golf course, taking the   GOLF CLUB
                                   total investment, since 2016, to   Dundrum House Golf Club is a
                                   €300,000. Over the past three   must visit when planning your
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