Page 116 - MGS 2020 Bible Online
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2020 golf outings. The impres- For more information or to book
sive 18-hole championship contact Castlemartyr Golf Resort
parkland golf course has been on 021-4219015 or email info@
woven into the fabric of a mature
Georgian estate, designed by
1995 Ryder Cup hero Philip
Walton. Using the natural fea- GREAT
tures of woodland and parkland, NATIONAL BALLYKISTEEN
adorned by the Multeen River, GOLF HOTEL
Philip has created an exhilarat- The Great National Ballykisteen
ing, par 72 course over 7,200 Hotel is ideally located in the
yards. Society Golf is always heart of County Tipperary. Nes-
at the forefront of this highly tled in the shadow of the Galtee
sought-after Munster golf resort Mountains but only a 30-minute
and with society green fee rates drive from Limerick City, Bal-
starting from just €25 its easy to lykisteen is the prefect 4
see why its growing in popularity Star golf resort for your
year on year. Dundrum House next golf outing.
also boast a number of superb Complementing
stay & play packages, starting the Ballykisteen
from just €79pps for 1 Night Hotel, the
B&B, a round of golf followed by golf resort
an evening meal. includes
a superb
2020 SOCIETY RATES: 18-hole,
Midweek - from €30 par 72,
Weekend - from €35 Des Smyth
For more information or to book course
contact Dundrum House Golf which was
Resort on 062-71116 or email res- opened in 1993.
Constructed and
CASTLEMARTYR GOLF maintained to the Dundrum House Golf Club
RESORT highest standards the
Castlemartyr Golf Resort prides course is distinguished by
itself on having one of the best the superb quality of the putting
venues in Cork for a corporate surfaces. Smyth made excel-
golf day, golf classic or society lent use of the natural contours,
outing. Castlemartyr Golf Resort carefully positioning each hole
is an inland links style course and incorporating an abundance
that is designed to be challeng- of bunkers and water hazards, a
ing and pleasurable for players feature of 11 holes. The Tipperary
of any calibre. Castlemartyr Golf resort offers a variety of group
Club provides first class service and society packages to make
across all aspects of the golf your day all the more special.
spectrum, from the course itself,
to the clubhouse and profes- 2020 SOCIETY RATES:
sional shop. Be sure to include Midweek from €25
Castlemartyr Golf Resort in your Weekend from €30
schedule for 2020!
For more information or to book
contact Ballykisteen on 062-32117
2020 SOCIETY RATES: or email golf@ballykisteenhotel.
Midweek - from €35 com.
Weekend - from €40