Page 12 - Realtai Communications Strategy
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Realtai communications strategy
Corporate identity, To ensure that Realtai information Information in all formats will
corporate publication is consistently represented in a always be clearly branded.
& advertising recognisable corporate style.
Public relations To promote more informed Inform and educate target
industry knowledge about better audiences.
charity retail business models and
benefits to charity groups as a Target key issues for the
result. industry and target audiences.
Create a voice for Realtai in the Promote experienced voice of
industry and make it a Realtai when and where
recognisable name within the appropriate.
charity retail industry.
Press relations To use the media (print, online, Build strong and open
broadcast), local, national and relationships with the media.
international as a means (when
appropriate) of open, honest and
proactive communication with the
e-communications To use modern and up to date Develop website to host blog
channels to get Realtai’s message delivering insightful articles to
across. clients and prospects.
To promote communication and Use social media tools and
access to pro-active, opinionated direct marketing to
and factual information about the communicate with target
industry. audiences.
Internal To sustain a two way flow of Implement an internal comms
communications information and to encourage tool that openly communicates
confidence, trust and loyalty. activities, actions, milestones,
issues and next steps etc