Page 9 - Realtai Communications Strategy
P. 9

Realtai communications strategy

             Overall objectives.

                1.                                   Establish Realtai as a specialist property company
                                                     which understands and is part of charity retail
                                                     creating a partnership approach which is beneficial
                The overall goal
                                                     to both charity and landlord. The benefits generate
                of Realtai is to:                    income for the charity AND makes the charity

                                                     operation more profitable thereby making more
                                                     funds available to the core mission of the


                2.                                   To introduce and enhance the communications
                                                     of Realtai amongst the charity retail sector and

                                                     its bespoke offering to charity retail.
                The objectives

                of this                              To support the market entry of Realtai as a
                communication                        partnership approach with an industry voice on

                plan intend to:                      trends, topics and issues relating to the sector.

                                                     To support the scale up of this successful
                                                     partnership ensuing the growth and
                                                     management benefits are communicated and

                                                     understood coherently by target audiences.

                                                     To identify timely and strategic outreach


                3.                                   Realtai to be recognised as a known ‘expert’ name
                                                     within the industry and a collaboration of choice
                                                     for charity realtai organisations when seeking an
                                                     innovative property management partner for the
                communications                       rollout and management of their charity retail
                goal of Realtai                      offering

                is for:

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