Page 4 - Tulfarris Membership Brochure
P. 4

I N V E S T M E N T  A T
                                T U L F A R R I S

              We are delighted to inform you that the resort is
              well  into  the  second  phase  of  its  ambitious
              renovation  plans.  As  you  know,  PREM  group
              purchased Tulfarris in 2016 and by the end of 2019
              had already spent over €6 million on the property
              in a bid to return the luxury hotel, golf course and

              18th century Manor House to its former glory.

              Initial works included a contemporary clubhouse,
              all  the  bunkers  were  refurbished,  two  new
              championship  tee  boxes  were  added  to  the  1st
              and  16th  holes  and  all  of  the  greens  were
              reseeded. In addition, 16 bedrooms were added to
              the  hotel,  and  all  of  the  original  bedrooms  were
              upgraded. Meanwhile, a new lobby and new hotel
              bar  were  added  while  several  grand  reception

              rooms  in  the  original  Manor  House  were
              sympathetically restored.

              The  second  phase  of  the  renovation  project                                           “     Although 2020 has been a challenging year for
              continued     throughout      2020,    bringing    the                                            our industry we are committed to our plans to
              property's total investment figure to €7.4 million.                                                redevelop and add to the facilities at Tulfarris.
                                                                                                                              Jim Murphy, CEO of PREM Group
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