Page 6 - Tulfarris Membership Brochure
P. 6

G O L F  C O U R S E
                          I M P R O V E M E N T S

              A  significant  amount  of  work  has  been  made
              across  all  golf  course  areas  over  the  winter
              months. Some of the highlights include:

              Ongoing Course Maintenance
              Over  the  past  few  months,  we  have  engaged  in
              an intensive maintenance program that includes
              the  following  -  Winter/Autumn  feed  to  all  areas,
              disease prevention on the greens, clearing up and
              trimming trees, and all common areas around the
              resort.  The  lake  areas  on  the  1st  and  6th  were
              cleared  and  tied,  some  of  the  tee  boxes  were
              widened  along  with  fairways  and  approaches
              being enhanced.

              Tee Boxes
              All  tee  boxes  were  overseeded  with  a  dwarf
              ryegrass  mix  and  hollow  tined.  This  removes
              thatch and breaks up compaction, ensuring that
              our tee boxes will perform very well in the warmer
              summer  months  and  be  more  robust  to  the
              normal wear and tear. The 12th ladies' tee box is
              also  currently  being  upgraded  and  will  be
              completed as soon as ground conditions allow.
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