Page 7 - Tulfarris Membership Brochure
P. 7

G O L F  C O U R S E
                          I M P R O V E M E N T S

              A significant work program is also taking place on
              our  fairways,  including  linear  decompaction,
              overseeding, and top dressing with 500 tones of
              sand.  This  work  will  result  in  the  overall
              improvement  of  our  fairways  and  playing


              Work on the greens includes all putting surfaces
              being hollow cored, cut, brushed, top dressed and
              rolled.  This  essential  work  will  ensure  that  all
              greens are set up and ready to go for what is sure
              to be a hectic year.

              On  behalf  of  myself  and  all  the  greenkeeping
              team  here  at  Tularris,  I  look  forward  to  seeing
              members back on the course very soon.

                                    David Brady

                                             Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort
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