Page 10 - Killarney Golf Club - Membership Information Brochure
P. 10

B O O K I N G  W E E K E N D  C O M P E T I T I O N  G O L F
                                                        1                              Here  at  Killarney  Golf  &  Fishing  Club,  all  Member  competitions  at  the
                                                    S T E P
                            Killarney Golf & Fishing Club                              weekends are prepaid events. To book into a weekend member competition,
                                                   L O G I N                           you must have relevant funds in your BRS account.

                                                                                       We  hope  the  information  contained  in  this  document  will  answer  any
                                                                                       queries you may have, however if  there is any aspect you are unsure about,
                                                   S T E P                             please contact our golf team, who will be pleased to assist you.
                  Killarney Golf &                     2
                  Fishing Club
                                                   S E L E C T
                                              C O M P E T I T I O N
                                                    P U R S E                          H O W  T O  T O P  U P  M Y  A C C O U N T
                                                                                         • Online
                                                                                         • Topping-up your account is an easy & straightforward process.
                                                                                         • Once you have registered on BRS and your account has been enabled,
                                                   S T E P                                   you will be able to login.
                  Killarney Golf &                     3
                  Fishing Club
                                                  S E L E C T                          To Login & Top-Up:
                                                  T O P  U P

                                                                                       S T E P    Go  to  our  website  and  choose
                                                                                                  “Members Area” (top right of  homepage) and login using the
                                                                                                  password KGFC1893.
                                                    S T E P
                  Killarney Golf &                     4
                  Fishing Club
                                                                                       S T E P 2  Select the relevant club section ‘Men’s Area’ or ‘Ladies Area’.
                                                 C H O O S E
                                                 A M O U N T                                      Select ‘Book a Tee Time’ and log in with your GUI number
                                                                                                  and unique password.

                                                                                            3     option.
                                                                                       S T E P    Select  the  ‘Competition  Purse’  option.  Select  the  ‘Top  Up’

                  Alternatively, call our golf team on 064-6631034                     S T E P 4  Choose  the  value  you  wish  to  top  up  by  and  enter  your
                  to top-up your account over the phone.                                          payment details.

                                                                                                         F R E Q U E N T L Y  A S K E D  Q U E S T I O N S
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