Page 7 - Killarney Golf Club - Membership Information Brochure
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G E T  C O N N E C T E D

               C L U B N E T  A P P                                                         G O L F  I R E L A N D  A P P
               The Killarney Golf & Fishing Club ClubNet app helps members keep up to       The official app of Golf Ireland offers Golf Ireland members access
               date with all club related activity. Once you have installed the ClubNet app,   to their golfing handicap profile, friends’ activity and easily allows you
               simply login with your email address and enter the password Golf2018.
                                                                                            to find your handicap for every course in Ireland.

                   DOWNLOAD  THE  CLUBNET  APP  HERE                                        DOWNLOAD  THE  GOLF  IRELAND  APP  HERE
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