Page 12 - Killarney Golf Club - Membership Information Brochure
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H A N D I C A P  I N F O R M A T I O N

              O V E R V I E W                                                                 O B T A I N I N G  A  N E W  H A N D I C A P

               Obtaining your Golf Ireland handicap is very easy and is done in two           S T E P 1  3 x 18 holes or 6 x 9 hole rounds of golf must be played
               ways, either by transferring or obtaining a new handicap.                                 in  Killarney  Golf  &  Fishing  Club  under  the  rules  of
                                                                                                         golf  on  a  measured  course  -  a  course  that  differs  not
              T R A N S F E R R I N G                                                                    more  nor  less  than  100  yards  from  the  stated  course
              S T E P    If  you  are  joining  us  from  another  club,  please  provide  us            yardage of the chosen tee.
                         with old Golf  Ireland number, this will enable us to transfer
                                                                                              S T E P 2  In  order  to  ensure  that  the  score  entered  is  valid,  the
                         your handicap and record without delay.
                                                                                                         Men can play off  the green or white tee markers - the
                                                                                                         white is the preferred option. Ladies play from the Red
                   2                                                                                     Markers. When booking your tee time, please confirm in
              S T E P    One we have this information; we’ll order you a new card for
                         Killarney Golf & Fishing Club immediately.                                      the pro shop which tees are available.

                   3                                                                          S T E P 3  Your cards must be marked and signed by a person with
              S T E P    It is imperative that you dispose your old GUI/ILGU Card
                         from your previous club.                                                        a  Golf  Ireland  handicap.  Your  and  the  markers  CDH
                         *Note: if  you are joining as an away member, please contact                    must be displayed on the cards.
                         the club.

                                                                                              S T E P 4  We ask that you hold on to all 3 cards and submit them
              C H E C K I N G  Y O U R  H A N D I C A P  O N L I N E
                                                                                                         all together.
                    1    first-time  user  you  will  need  to  register  by  following  the   S T E P 5  Handicaps  will  normally  be  issued  within  7  days
              S T E P    Simply visit If  you are a

                         instructions on the website.                                                    provided all documentation is in order.

                   2     access to your up-to-date handicap and playing record.                                       MORE  INFO  >  CLICK  HERE
              S T E P    Once  you  have  completed  the  registration,  you  will  have

                                     m e n s c o m p @ k i l l a r n e y g o l f c l u b . i e  l a d y h c a p s @ k i l l a r n e y g o l f c l u b . i e
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