Page 8 - WCA Family Handbook
P. 8
4. What to Bring
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Please bring at least one change of seasonal clothing,(2 to 3 for infants and toddlers) la-
beled with your child’s name. We want to make sure our classrooms reflect the children
and their families, so please bring a family photo we can display in the classroom. If your
child is enrolled in the toddler to Pre-K classrooms, you can bring a small blanket to use
during nap time.
5. Picking Up Your Child
At the end of the day, please pick up your child from his or her classroom. Because our
school is open from early in the morning to late evening, our teachers all have varying
shifts. For this reason, you may see a different teacher in your child’s classroom in the
evening. Additionally, when there are less children and teachers present, we may combine
classrooms. This means that you might be picking up your child in a different classroom.
Safe Arrival and Departure
Our entrance is secured by a fingerprint scanner. Each family member and authorized
pick up person uses their own fingerprint to enter the secured area of the building. Your
fingerprint is used as an entrance code and as a sign in and sign out code. Although hold-
ing the door is a polite gesture, we cannot ensure children are appropriately signed in or
out, and have difficulty enforcing security if families enter more than one at a time. Our
families have free access to the center during regular business hours and visitors are wel-
come to tour or visit the center when accompanied by authorized staff members.
Signing In & Out
Each family member and authorized pick up is assigned an individual code to be used in
our attendance and security system. Your child must be signed in and out each day using
the centers computer touch screen attendance program. We are required to keep accurate
attendance records by Child Care Licensing. Please do not allow children to use this sys-
tem as it also works with our security system to unlock the door.