Page 459 - Libro 2
P. 459
cephalic, 237, 237f
jugular, internal, external, 235, 235f median cubital, 237, 237f
radial, 238, 238f
subclavian, 236, 236f
ulnar, 238, 238f
veins, varicose, 261 pregnancy and, 33
criteria changes, post-CAS patients, 89–90,
90f, 90t
flow and, 18–20, 18f, 19f
venous catheters, upper extremity venous system, duplex imaging, 240f,
241–242, 241f, 242b
venous disease procedures, intraoperative
duplex sonography, 388 venous dynamics
with exercise, 30–31, 31f, 32f
at rest, 30, 30f, 31f
venous flow pattern determination, chronic
venous valvular insufficiency (CVVI)
testing, 269–270 venous insufficiency, 27
venous photoplethysmography (PPG), 274–275 venous physiology, 27
capacitance, 27, 28f
edema, 29–30, 30f
hydrostatics, 28–29, 28f pressure–volume relationships, 29, 29f resistance, 27
varicose veins, 31–33, 32f, 33f
venous stasis ulcers, 33
venous system, lower extremity. See lower
extremity venous system
venous system, superficial. See superficial
venous system
venous system, upper extremity. See upper
extremity venous system
venous thromboembolism (VTE), 212 venous valvular insufficiency testing, 262
anatomy, 262–263, 262f, 263f, 264f diagnosis
B-mode ultrasound findings, 269f, 272–273, 272f
color flow, 273
reflux quantification, 274, 274b
spectral Doppler waveforms, 273, 273f diagnosis procedures, noninvasive, other,
air plethysmography (APG), 275–276 near-infrared imaging, 276
venous photoplethysmography (PPG),
274–275 prevalence, 264
signs, symptoms, 264
CEAP classification, 264–265
clinical severity score, 265
disability score, 265
quality of life questionnaires, 265–266
sonographic examination techniques, 266 definitive diagnosis, 271–272
equipment, 268
patient preparation, positioning, 267–268,
268f, 269f pitfalls, 272
protocol requirements, 270–271 scanning, 269–270, 269f
treatment types, 266–267, 267f ultrasound definitive diagnosis, 271–272
venule, 1
vertebral artery stenosis, diagnosis, 59–60, 61f vessel identification/angle determination, mesen-
teric artery scanning, 301–302, 301f vessels, major, thorax, abdomen, pelvis,
10–13, 10–13f
vessel-specific abnormal waveform contours,
50–51, 50–54f visceral, 297, 381
visceral arteries, stented, 305 viscosity, 17
inertia and, 18
volume pulse recording (VPR). See
VPR. See volume pulse recording;
VTE. See venous thromboembolism
waveform contour. See Doppler waveform contour