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      Chap-14.qxd 29~8~04 14:55 Page 207
        Chapter 14
 Graft surveillance and preoperative vein mapping for bypass surgery
   Seromas, fluid collections and graft infections 220
Reporting 220
Superficial vein mapping for arterial bypass
surgery 221
Technique for assessing the long saphenous vein 221
Arm vein mapping 222
Technique of marking the vein 222 Problems encountered during vein
mapping 223
Introduction 208 Anatomy 208
Vein grafts 208
Synthetic grafts 209
Purpose of graft surveillance 209
Vein grafts 209
Synthetic grafts 210
Symptoms and treatment of graft stenosis or failure 210
Practical considerations for scanning bypass grafts 211
Scanning techniques 211
In situ vein graft 211 Reversed vein grafts 213 Synthetic grafts 213
B-mode images 213
Normal appearance 213
Abnormal appearance 214
Color Doppler images 214
Normal appearance of vein grafts 214 Normal appearance of synthetic grafts 215 Abnormal appearance of vein grafts 215
Spectral Doppler waveforms 215
Normal appearance 215
Abnormal appearance 216
Graft failure and occlusion 217 Commonly encountered problems 218 True and false aneurysms 218 Entrapments of grafts 219 Arteriovenous fistulas 219

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