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Developing a With further questioning we fi nd that the owner has
a hodgepodge of tactics and strategy that seldom if
Competitive ever, achieves targeted goals, and that the business is
existing on happenstance referrals and impulse traffi c.
Many businesses can and do exist this way for many
Advantage: years, however there is no real predictability and cer-
tainty. This is what we call in the consulting profession
“smokin hopium”, hoping for results, rather than building
Training and a system that provides measurable and specifi c results.
No predictability, equals no control. No control means
Mentorship that you are reactive vs. proactive and impacted by
any possible whim or down turn in the marketplace.
Another characteristic result we fi nd with a business
As entrepreneurs and executives lacking a system is an immense amount of stress,
with the close of the first quarter in anxiety and possible overwhelm. This impacts the
rear view we get to assess whether ownership, the executives and as a result, employees
we are on track to achieve our goals and employee productivity. At the core of this issue is
for the year. If not, we must inevita-
bly look in the mirror and ask why. the mindset of the entrepreneur. As the leader of
We create our own circumstance by the business, how do you measure your mindset, focus
design or default, and if we have not and productivity? Do you have a system that you use
gotten where we think we should be, for yourself, your executives, and that your Executives
By Tony Bishop then we need to analyze why not. use for themselves? If not, we fi nd the result can be a
devastating 20% to 50% or more missing profi t, from
hen I ask the leadership of businesses what the bottom line. Who can afford a hole like that in the
challenges do you think prevented you from
Wachieving fi rst quarter goals or last year’s bottom of the boat?
goals, the answer typically falls into two categories: Mindset is your beliefs. Beliefs dictate your destiny.
training, or leadership. Are your beliefs standing in the way of achieving your
goals? How many hours a day do you spend in a state
Based on my attendance of a dozen business confer-
ences over the past two years and polling over 100 of suffering and negative thinking? This is a very deep
question that we all need to ponder and assess on a
entrepreneurs in conversation, it appears that about daily basis. The typical amount of time is 3 hours a day!
3% of owners are achieving predictable, scalable, and That is almost 1100 hours a year. How much is your
consistent growth in their business. The one common
denominator that we found in each of these winning time worth as the leader of a six – seven or eight fi gure
businesses discussed, is that the leadership has a sys- businesses? Is your time is worth $200 an hour, then
you’re leaving over $200,000 or more a year uncaptured!
tem versus strategies and tactics. That means that If you don’t think you’re worth that much, call me im-
97% of the businesses do not have a system they use mediately and we will send the ambulance. (Smile) If
that provide predictability and the results they desire.
it’s only half that much, it is still a big hole in the boat
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