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                                                   inor-       project lead when formerly a senior advisor for a federal regulator.
                                                   ity Business   One such forum was called “Big Ideas for Small Business,” and it
                                           MEnterprises        was held in both Cincinnati and Toledo (respectively).
                                           (MBEs) come in all   Realizing that a signifi cant need in the revitalization of urban and
                                           types, from fl edging   central city neighborhoods is strengthening support for microen-
                                           home based businesses   terprises and small businesses, Thompson has been pleased to also
                                           to store fronts to   serve on community boards and committees. Her board service
                                           construction contrac-  at nonprofi t and community development corporation Mid-
                                           tors that work on   Town Cleveland is an example.   Jeff Epstein, executive director,
                                           largescale development   MidTown Cleveland, Inc., values Thompson’s many contributions
                                           projects. Such diversity   to his organization:  “Maria Thompson has been an invaluable
                                           among MBEs calls for   member of MidTown Cleveland’s board for nearly a decade, bring-
             a                             variety of support to   ing insight, connections, and wisdom to our organization. As a
                                           help these businesses   member of the development committee, she helped bring about
                      Maria J. Thompson    continually grow and   the fi rst weekly “Chomp” food truck event and its accompanying
                                           improve. Additionally,   street scape beautifi cation initiative. As a member of the board,
                                           what’s typically true   she has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to help create the
                                           of MBEs is that their   vibrant neighborhood that MidTown is becoming today, asking key
             business is located in a minority area or central city, and this makes   strategic questions and providing insight based on her depth of
             their existence and success that much more critical when it comes   experience in community and economic development.”
             to supporting community and economic development. Thompson
             says such information about MBEs is critical in terms of under-  In addition to MidTown Cleveland, Thompson was also the for-
             standing why we need organizations like the Black Pages of Ohio   mer board president of the now defunct WECO Fund. WECO
             and its affi liate publication, The Summit Magazine.   was formerly a community development fi nancial institution
                                                               (CDFI) and only US SBA Microenterprise Lender in north eastern
             Thompson (a longtime advocate for minority homeownership, and   Ohio. Thompson earned a special award recognition from the or-
             microenterprise and small business development) has worked with   ganization, and Carrie Rosenfelt, (former WECO staffer and now)
             the various affi liates under the Black Pages of Ohio’s umbrella for   executive director of the Economic and Community Develop-
             nearly 25 years, or practically since its inception.  ment Institute (or ECDI of) Northern Ohio, says of Thompson:
             Thompson’s work in the area began in earnest as a community vol-  “Maria is a champion for economic inclusion and equity.  In the
             unteer, which in turn lead to her becoming the director of a non-  decade I have known her, she has been a tireless advocate for mi-
             profi t affi rmative marketing and fair housing organization. It was   nority owned business, fi rst as the board chair for WECO Fund, a
             during this time that Thompson fi rst came into contact with the   microenterprise development organization in Cleveland, and today
             Black Pages of Ohio and contracted with the publication to adver-  as a supporter of the Economic and Community Development In-
             tise to reach her target audience. From this beginning, Thompson   stitute (ECDI).  Maria generously shares her depth of knowledge
             has continued to work with and collaborate on a variety of initia-  and experience in the industry to support organizations like ECDI,
             tives with the Black Pages of Ohio. Several of these initiatives in-  working to expand economic opportunity. “
             clude providing sponsorship to support networking events hosted   Bob Lanier, publisher and editor of The Summit Magazine, says
             by the Black Pages during the vast majority of her banking career,   of Thompson: “it’s been a pleasure to work with Maria on various
             and  including the organization in forums where she served as
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