Page 13 - I21 Summit Magazine
P. 13
use more and more animation in its their power point presentations and animated video, or a 7-min presen-
news feed and animation is a huge turn it into a video animation to tation you can rely on EOS Studios
compliment to websites and landing show and explain a procedure or to tell your story and deliver an
pages for companies all around the process that is typically complicated easy-to-understand message.
world. or long,” said Michael Solomon.
EOS Studios is also changing the “We can take a tired, boring power
way companies are using visual point and transform it to a compel-
communications in meetings. They ling animated video that captures
offer a host of solutions that use attention, increases retention and
videography and animation in the compel a call to action.”
workplace. They can animate a EOS Studios thrives on being able
process virtual prototypes, logos, to provide original content to its
instruction manuals and diffi cult or clients. Each completed produc- Statistically video has proven to be
dangerous procedures. Also, they tion is a team effort of creative an important tool for marketing
have taken sensitive subjects and professionals who provide original and presentation of all kinds. If
made them appreciable and memo- visuals, script writing, research, and you want to reach your audience in
rable. original music. Whether you need a a memorable way, video is the way
“We are asked by customers to take 10 second animated logo, 2-minute to go.
When you add animation to video or use animation as a video your results
rise far beyond video stats.
If you slap a cleverly made Viewers spend 100% more
Animations are shared 12,000
more than links, text posts, and animation on your landing page, time on landing pages contain-
you can expect a 70% increase
ing video animation than on all
simple images.
in your conversion rate. other pages.
52% of marketing professionals
74% of all internet traffi c in 2018 worldwide name video as the type 65% of video viewers watch
will be video. more than ¾ of a video.
of content with the best ROI.
In search results, video and ani-
Video in email can boost open 33% of tablet owners watch one mated videos have 41% higher
rates by 20% and increase hour of video per day on their
click-through rates 2-3X. device. click-through rate than written
If your company has yet to intro- of animation production from all If you would like to contact Michael
duce animation into your marketing types of businesses. The process or Maria Solomon at EOS Studios
strategy EOS Studios would like to to create content is getting easier you can call them at 216-406-2827or
speak with you. The future is bright and the different ways to use visual at
for EOS studios with the increase content is at an all time high.
13 | www.The Summit