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P. 12
Using Animation in Marketing to
Increase Sales
fi eld by offering small to mid-sized
businesses high quality animation.”
Since it started in 2009, EOS Stu-
dios has enabled companies, locally
and around the world, EOS Stu-
dios is quickly becoming the go-to
agency when looking to add anima-
tion to a marketing strategy.
Understanding that 90% of pro-
cessed information of the human
brain is visual, there’s no reason to
doubt the power of using visual
content to deliver a message or
By Michael and Maria Solomon strategy. Social media is already ac-
cepting and using visual content to
leveland based 3D anima- be beyond most small to medium communicate with its audience and
tion fi rm, EOS Studios, is business owners. Michael and Maria YouTube is the second largest used
Cleading the video revolution Solomon decided in 2009 to start site based on visual content behind
by offering its customers compel- EOS Studios to provide Northeast Facebook. LinkedIn is starting to
ling marketing messages using ani- Ohioans with a cost-effective op-
mation, illustration, photography, tion for creating stimulating quality
and videography as options when animation.
composing thriving marketing mes- “Video has been king for a while,
sages. “Michael explained. “The animation
In todays busy market place of ad- services that we provide are typical-
vertising and message delivery, visu- ly found in Los Angeles, New York,
al marketing is king. But the cost to or Toronto but not in Cleveland.
create high end visual content can So, we wanted to level the playing
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