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on assisting minority-owned businesses.  The program
                                                               has expanded - and evolved - into an annual event that
                                                               brings together a cross section of companies (from
                                                               start-ups to multinationals) together to strengthen and
                                                               support the local supply chain.  Every year, hundreds
                                                               of people, both as attendees and exhibitors, participate
                                                               in this unique - and informative - regional conference.
                                                               “Our focus is predicated on operating under a fi ve-year
                                                               business plan called Advance Greater Akron that com-
                                                               menced in 2014 with a regional goal to support $2B in
                                                               capital investment,” stated Rick Rebadow, Executive
                                                               Vice President of the Greater Akron Chamber.  “With
                                                               13 months to go, we are currently reporting more than
                                                               $2.1B and, without question, this level of new invest-
                                                               ment - and corresponding jobs and payroll created -
                                                               will positively impact all corners of our community.”
                                                               For additional information on benefi ts, events, net-
              ConxusNEO, Kent State University, Ohio Means Jobs,   working opportunities, programs and membership,
              Stark State College and the University of Akron, the   please feel free to visit their website at www.greaterak-
              Greater Akron Chamber has met with some of the or call 330-376-5550. 
              largest employers in our community in an effort to
              build a lasting pipeline of qualifi ed applicants who
              possess both the hard and soft skills required in today’s
              everchanging global work environment.
              The Greater Akron Chamber continues to work closely  Working

              with both the City of Akron and County of Sum-
              mit chairing the “Akron, USA” marketing/trade show   together,
              initiative which showcases the merits of doing business
              in the Greater Akron Region to both domestic and     succeeding
              international audiences.  As a result of these market-
              ing efforts, a number international companies such   together.
              as Mesnac (China), Rochling Automotive (Germany),
              Timocco (Israel), Ravizza Packaging (Italy) and Quest
              Medical Imaging (Netherlands) have either established
              a North American headquarters or a manufacturing
              facility in our community.
                                                                   We find strength in our diversity. In every way, our team
              The Greater Akron Chamber continues to place a long-  reflects the rich culture of the people and communities
                                                                   we serve. Inclusion is a corporate priority, and we
              standing emphasis on both diversity and inclusion in   take seriously our responsibility to promote equality
              an effort to expand the circle of economic opportunity   in hiring and our suppliers. Because together, we are
                                                                   Key. KeyBank proudly supports the Greater Summit
              and upward mobility.  In addition to a long-standing   Business Conference and Expo.
              partnership with Summit Magazine, the organization is
              proud to be a founding member of the Greater Sum-
              mit Business Conference & Expo; an initiative origi-
                                                          is federally registered service mark of KeyCorp. ©2015
              nally envisioned to introduce locally-owned companies   KeyCorp. KeyBank is a Member FDIC. 51056
              to one another via a B2B platform with an emphasis

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