Page 22 - I21 Summit Magazine
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as well as legal. And what is even more questionable
is whether these tactics deliver value to the instigators.
Anyone who thinks that most suppliers (those who
don’t go out of business anyway) who are treated like
this won’t get that value back is delusional. To over-
come extended terms suppliers will increase prices or
simply decide not to work with a corporation. And
what suppliers certainly won’t do is provide those cor-
porations any additional advantage through innovation,
access to new ideas, additional quality, or customer ser-
vice above and beyond the bare minimum to meet the
contract. Relationships do matter – not because there
is anything intrinsically wonderful about having a good
relationship with your supplier, but because relation-
The Next Chapter of the Story: How Small Businesses ships lead to other advantages.
are Winning the Battle of Globalization
In Part II of the series, we’ll examine how award-win-
The small-business sector is ripe for innovation and ning corporations such as those in the Billion Dollar
growth. Linking it to large corporations’ supply chain Roundtable understand that relationships and support-
is a win-win for everyone involved. There’s nothing ing the growth of their supplier’s matter. These multi-
wrong with tough negotiation and If corporations can nationals continue to drive supplier diversity excellence
take more value from their suppliers, why not do that? as they support their suppliers through thought leader-
It’s all about power in the supply chain. But there are ship and supply chain best practices helping them grow
surely some ethical lines that shouldn’t be crossed here, locally and globally.
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