Page 25 - I21 Summit Magazine
P. 25
on B2b, Niche Manufacturing,
Transportation and Logistics func-
tional areas. Mr. Sykes wanted to
utilize and help underserved busi-
nesses and organizations create more
lean and effi cient operations for this
increased value.
Upon joining as president of ASAP
Movers, Inc., Mr. Sykes role will
be to drive the strategic vision of
the organization for greater market
share, more refi ned and effi cient
processes which should continu-
It was during those formulative that had him to address the many
ously help the organization grow for
years in business that Mr. Sykes opportunities being presented in
many more years to come with the
realized his prior corporate experi- business in which he could better
Northeast Ohio community.
ences and global exposure prepared maximize ROI if he returned more
him for additional opportunities. value to and within the business Kevin M. Sykes earned a bachelor’s
He felt he could maximize on those community in this space. He then degree in Mechanical Engineer-
examples of past industry experience embarked upon and created Crest- ing and a Minor in Economics
and the diverse environments he has point Acquisitions, Inc. an asset from the University of Southern
been a part of. It was this thinking management fi rm with an emphasis Mississippi.
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