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ployees and employees of their supply chains, typically Intel, and HP. Diversifying the supplier base by using
purchase the products of the corporation. small diverse fi rms is one way they reduced risk in their
A diverse supplier base also helps establish linkages supply systems.
between the big and small businesses, enabling easier A Hero to the Rescue: Four Ways APB Help Corpora-
access to resources and creating multiple information tions with Inclusion
sources and a bigger customer base for the corpora- Corporations can offer small businesses quick oppor-
tions. Corporations that restrict themselves to a small tunities to grow by buying their services and goods.
network of suppliers are also vulnerable to supply chain APB & Associates helps its global corporate clients
disruptions. In 2011, the earthquake in Japan and fl ood- strategically source, develop and grow its small business
ing in Thailand, for example, caused major disruptions partners within its supply chain by taking these four key
in manufacturing activities for Apple, GM, Toyota, steps:
1 2 3 4
Identify and support talent. Provide financial help. Make the procurement pro- Simplify the bidding and
Not every small business Suppliers need support to cess transparent. Acquir- selection process. Make
has the capacity to become meet large corporations’ ing information on large the bidding and selec-
businesses’ procurement
a supplier to a global cor- needs. Installing automat- processes is a hurdle for tion process more acces-
poration. Through technol- ed invoicing or payment many small businesses. sible and straightforward.
processing systems can be
ogy and our vast network, a financial burden for small Corporations that provide a The IBM-funded website,
we Identify elite performers companies. A loan from simple website with basic,
based on talent and op- a corporation, advance information about goods allows small businesses
erational readiness. Once payment, or a community and services they need, to apply as a supplier and
and the procurement of-
we help large companies development institution ficer’s contact information bid to all participating large
identify these businesses, could help small com- would help small busi- companies using a single
they can mentor talented panies with the capital to nesses know where to start application form, making
entrepreneurs through our scale up their systems, en- however, it should not be paperwork less burden-
abling them to accept their
the end. APB helps suppli-
thINC.TM Capacity Build- first big contract. Through ers go beyond registering some. Similar government
ing Program or one of the a partnership with one of in the corporations’ vendor oriented sites also help
many supplier development the largest wealth manage- portal to uncovering “real” small businesses col-
programs. State and Local ment firms and various opportunities down to the laborate to bid on larger
Governments also spon- alternative lenders, APB design and engineering contracts.
sor programs to boost the can assist corporations level. We work closely
with corporations to assist
management capacity of with getting their suppli- with aligning the right
high-potential suppliers to ers the financial stability supplier with the right
necessary to perform on
enhance their growth and larger projects. opportunity. Supplier inte-
competitiveness. gration and onboarding is
often overlooked, therefore
APB developed a proven
process to ensure smooth
project initiation, planning,
and execution.
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