Page 26 - I21 Summit Magazine
P. 26
By Verna Lee
s a consultant, I have had the privilege to work with and observe leaders who effectively lead and those
who don’t. Some are impressive; others not. After recently observing a dynamic and charismatic leader,
Awho is smart, humorous, transparent, empathetic but fi rm, and hard-working (no task is too big or too
small), I was so impressed that I wanted to incorporate some of his attributes into my style. Some behaviors are
worthy of imitating. As managers/executives, it begs to ask the following questions.
Are you leading your company to the next level of Do you regularly, periodically, or never communicate
growth, profi tability, and sustainability – or are you fol- with your team and/or listen to their views?
lowing the leader? How does your staff view you? Are Question after question abound. But as a leader, you
you considered an effective or ineffective leader? Or are should welcome intelligent inquiries because you are a
you viewed as a follower? Do you care what anyone problem solver. Right?
think? How often do you interact with your manage-
ment team and staff? .
Time out! It’s time for a quiz
When you think of leaders, whose names immediately come to mind?
What characteristics do they have?
Do you possess any, all, or some of those traits?
It is a fact that we are known by our actions; what we the head of your company to create a presidential lead-
do or say; and how we respond. Our external and ership style that positively announces your presence?
internal characteristics defi ne us. They speak loud and The answer is yes! So the pivotal question is – What
clear, even if we silently conceal them. Our behavior makes a good leader?
is for public viewing. We simply can’t hide ourselves. According to Forbes, there are ten basic traits of good
With that being the case, should it not be desirable as leadership.
According to Forbes, there are ten basic As leaders, there are a number of do’s
traits of good leadership. and don’ts.
1. Honesty 6. Commitment DO’S DONT’S
• Be Equitable • Play Armchair Quar-
2. Ability to Delegate 7. Positive Attitude • Encourage Initiative terback
3. Communication 8. Creativity • Model Creativity & • Humiliate Employees
in Public
4. Sense of Humor 9. Intuition • Shift Blame for Your
• Exceed Your Own Mistakes
5. Confidence 10. Ability to Inspire. Standards • Dwell on Mistakes.
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