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Management experts classify leaders by their actions   2.   Autocratic
              which include the following:                         The autocratic leadership style allows managers to

              1.  The pacesetting leader expects and models excel-  make decisions alone without the input of others.
                lence and self-direction.  In other words, “Do as I   Managers possess total authority and impose their
                do, now.”                                          will on employees.
              2.  The authoritative leader mobilizes the team to-  3.  Participative
                ward a common vision and focuses on end goals,      Often called the democratic leadership style, partici-
                leaving the means up to each individual.  Another   pative leadership values the input of team members
                phrase is – “Come with me.”                        and peers, but the responsibility of making the fi nal

              3.  The affi liative leader works to create emotional   decision rests with the participative leader.
                bonds that bring a feeling of bonding and belong-  4.  Transactional
                ing to the organization.  –   “People come fi rst.”
                                                                   Managers using the transactional leadership style re-
              4.  The coaching leader develops people for the fu-  ceive certain tasks to perform and provide rewards
                ture. – “Try this.”                                or punishments to team members based on perfor-
              5.  The coercive leader demands immediate compli-    mance results. Employees receive rewards, such as
                ance. – “Do what I tell you.”                      bonuses, when they accomplish goals.
              6.  The democratic leader builds consensus through   5.  Transformational
                participation.  – “What do you think?”             The transformational leadership style depends on
                                                                   high levels of communication from management to
                                                                   meet goals.  Leaders focus on the big picture within
                                                                   an organization and delegate smaller tasks to the
                                                                   team to accomplish goals.”
                                                               How did you measure up? Be honest.  You don’t have
                                                               to tell anyone.  Your behavior and leadership qualities
                                                               will defi nitely speak for you!  You cannot hide, but you
                                                               can improve! Self-Improvement is a lifelong process,
               Leadership characteristics embrace selective styles.    but you have to be willing to take the plunge!  Follow
              1.  Laissez-Faire                                those leaders who do! If you are lucky, some of their
                                                               karma may rub off on you! 
                 “A laissez-faire leader lacks direct supervision of
                employees and fails to provide regular feedback to
                those under his supervision.

                                     Vernalee is a consultant and respected entrepreneur in Cleveland and Columbus,
                                     Ohio. As President of Lee Enterprises Ltd., she helps her clients achieve success in
                                     the areas of human resources, supplier diversity, marketing, business development,
                                     and communications.  Lee is also a freelance writer for a number of publications
                                     and publishes a daily blog.  She is the published author of several books.   She can
                                     be reached at  Photo credit:  www.culsantadm.wordpress.
                                     com; Source:;; www.smallbusinesschron.

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