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intend to have an international pres- club. It is the same as bikers wav- Th ere are websites that off er logo
ence. One color in one place means ing to each other when they pass. design for a very low investment.
something diff erent than that same Corvette owners nodding when they is one website where logo
color in another place. Th ere is spe- see each other and Audi owners feel- design can be done for as low as fi ve
cifi c meaning behind certain colors ing like, “Th ey get it,” when they see bucks. HIBU can also help with un-
and depending on your product, each other. Th e ability to connect derstanding why certain logos work
will determine what colors stand out the brand with a purpose or feeling better than others.
more. is the goal when marketing or creat- Th ere is no question that logos
Bottled water is an example of what ing a logo. help increases loyalty and positive
can happen if you pick the wrong “People love to have their good feedback about the companies they
color for a product. You will almost decision confi rmed with the ac- represent. If your company is look-
always see blue labels on bottled knowledgement of that decision,” ing to expand or work in multiple
water. Why? Because any other color said Brad Bowling,” Th e Director of languages you might want to con-
on bottled water tends to reduce Marketing at Stiff Arm Media. sider establishing a logo to help. Th e
how many bottles are sold. People “Th ink about mobile application bottom line is, yes, they help, and
associate blue with water and will logos. Th ey instantly let you know every company should have one.
not accept another color when pur- what they are before you click on Schedule a conversation with Brad
chasing bottled water. then. Without the logo, the app Bowling today, marketing has never
A MEMBER OF A CLUB could not survive.” been more important that it is right
now! Attack your goals and schedule
When asked about why consum- For local businesses the use of a logo
a FREE marketing strategy for your
ers love logos several mentioned also creates an instant expectation company today, 440-796-5763.
the feeling of belonging to a special for the consumer when they see it.
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